What to drink in Morocco?

Sipping beverages in Morocco is more than just a personal affair—it's a communal experience. Unlike conventional bars, which may not be prominent or worth exploring, Moroccans come together to relax, socialize, and hydrate with a variety of non-alcoholic drinks.

Mint Tea

A quintessential Moroccan drink, mint tea transcends mere refreshment. It is served with a sense of reverence, symbolizing hospitality and a warm welcome that embraces both the palate and the soul.

Orange Juice

Morocco boasts a thriving citrus industry. While a significant portion of the country's oranges is exported globally, the locally blended orange juice originates from small, traditional farms. The result is a vibrant burst of flavor akin to transitioning from black and white to color TV.


Staying well-hydrated is crucial when traversing Morocco's diverse landscapes. However, tap water is not advisable for those unaccustomed to local bacteria. To address both health and environmental concerns, we recommend carrying a reusable water bottle and refilling it with filtered water from your accommodation or using water purification tablets.

Alcohol in Morocco

While not all Muslims abstain from alcohol, the majority of Moroccan Muslims do. Consequently, acquiring alcohol in Morocco poses a considerable challenge, leading most travelers to opt for complete abstinence during their stay. Although Marrakech hosts some bars, and certain hotels and accommodations may serve liquor, consuming alcohol outside these designated places is generally deemed highly disrespectful.